Wednesday 10/25


Wednesday 10/25

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit


Great Woods Warm-Up (No Measure)

2 Rounds of 10-15 reps of:

Samson Stretch x 30 seconds

Air Squats

GHD Sit-Ups/V-Ups

GHD Hip Extensions/Supermans

Push Ups

Pull-Ups/Ring Rows



Take 15 minutes and practice gymnastics skills of your choice – Muscle-Ups, Kipping/Butterfly Pull-Ups, Toes to Bar, Hollow Rocks, Pistols, Handstand Push-Ups, Ring Dips, Double-Unders, etc.

One method is to choose three exercise and perform a skill set. For example:

“Three sets, not for time, of:

Muscle-Ups x 3-5 reps

Handstand Walks x 5 Meters

Pistols x 3-5 reps each leg”

Tabata Mash-Up (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete Eight Sets of “20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest” for EACH of the following exercises:

Kettlebell Swings


Box Jump-Overs,

Front Plank Hold
Complete all 8 sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. (32 total rounds)

Record total number of reps for Kettlebell Swings, Push-Ups & Box Jump Overs combined.