Every Day Is An Easy Day
Every Day Is An Easy Day
“The last easy day was yesterday.”, “It’s mind over matter.”, “No pain, no gain!”
I’m sure we’ve all heard these catch phrases before, and for how long (if at all!) did they work? All of these sayings are uttered or sometimes yelled to motivate you to push yourself harder to succeed. But let me forewarn you: Great Woods CrossFit is not here solely to motivate you, if we were then you would use and need us like a mental crutch! And we want you to stand on your own!
Millions of people around the globe woke up this morning just like you.
Some woke up defeated, regardless of their circumstances. In fact, it’s not necessarily that their situation is any more difficult than your own or the person next to you, but the issue lies within the mindset. Even though their obstacles and trials are not insurmountable, they lost before the fight began!
Others began their day with the universe against them, facing unthinkable and unimaginable hardships, like the kind where you wonder how a person could make it through another day. But they made a choice! A choice to not crumble in the face of adversity but to feed off of it and grow stronger. A choice to beat the odds and become a better person through the pain and hard times.
Our goal is to teach you how to motivate YOURSELF.
You can’t always rely on someone else to say the right words every time you need a little extra push; that little extra push needs to come from within you. Once you can release your fears, remove your mental obstacles, and embrace what needs to get done no matter how uncomfortable it may be, then “Every day is an easy day!”
Along those same lines, Epicurus once said, “Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.” Perspective is everything.
What do you hope to gain from your training?
That question can be answered today, tomorrow, or even later in your journey and it can also change as many times as it needs to. The only way you’re going to get to where you are going is to begin to embrace the process and the journey instead of focusing solely on just the final outcome. In the Marine Corps, guys joke about “embracing the suck.” We’re not saying that your training is going to suck or that everyday in the Corps was a sucky. What we will guarantee is that if you are working hard enough for your training to be successful, you will feel some discomfort. It’s an inevitable part of the process of becoming stronger, faster, better. We need to welcome and enjoy that discomfort, even more than we will enjoy fitting into that old dress, or seeing that new six-pack come in, or feeling that confidence when we head out on the beach. Once we sharpen our minds into that place, it elevates and unlocks our potential. You will work harder, become more efficient, eat cleaner, sleep better and feel unstoppable! You’ll feel like everyday is an easy day!
So here is the trick: there are no free lunches and there are no corners to be cut for anything worthwhile.
And if something can be attained so easily, odds are that you can let it go just as easily, without feeling that sense of pride and feeling of accomplishment. The positive outlook and mental focus that we need to not only become a warrior but also enjoy being a warrior takes work, practice, and more work. Just like any muscle, the mind needs to be trained. We can’t neglect our mindset and focus; it can be as perishable as any skill.
Humans have a bad habit of following the path of least resistance; there is a time and a place do so… and this program is not that time or that place. We will train and grow. We are going to have a blast doing it. Our minds will be sharp, our goals will be clear, our backs will be strong and every day will be an easy day at Great Woods CrossFit!