Tee Shirts are in! If you haven’t gotten yours see a coach.
Weightlifting is back tonight! 5:30-7:30 **ONLY 4:30 CROSSFIT TONIGHT
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3 minutes cardio warm up
2 sets
10 Banded lat walks each direction
10 wall angels
10 wall squat
Pigeon stretch each side 1:00
Super Sets (Super sets resting as needed )
1. 1/2 kneeling single arm strict press 8 each arm
2. Barbell bent over row x 6 reps
3. Goblet squat to box x 15 reps
resting as needed between sets x 4
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
1:00 Ski erg
1:00 Row
1:00 Burpee
1:00 Jump Rope
resting 2:00 between sets
Goal is pushing the minutes for max cals and reps , don’t hold back
Front Squat (Resting as much as it takes to add weight )
** Don’t start working sets until they are heavy , build up to a heavy set of 2
Metcon (No Measure)
4 rounds:
:30 seconds chest to bar (ring row)
rest :30
:30 seconds Single DB front squat
rest :30
:30 seconds Medball sit up
rest :30
:30 seconds hang power clean 135/95
rest :30
:30 seconds HSPU ( DB S2OH )
@ high effort
Partner 2K GOOOO!
**Break this up however you’d like just finish first 🙂