Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
Foam Roll x 3-5 minutes focus on lats and pecs from yesterday
2 Sets
10 Lat banded walks each way
10 Banded Good mornings
10 Banded Strict press
Banded hamstring stretches x 20 seconds -40 on each side
Push Pull
Super Set ** Building off last 5 weeks
Barbell bench press 6 reps heavier than last weeks 6-8 no pauses
Barbell RDL 6 reps heavier than last weeks 6-8
x 5 sets resting as needed ( this is for strength, you should need rest because you are grinding heavy sets )
Metcon (Time)
For time:
500m Ski
30 DB Push Press
500m Row
Rest 3:00 into
500m Row
30 DB Hang power clean to overhead ( dual)
500m Ski
Clean complex + Jerk
Squat clean + hang squat clean + Split jerk
Set 1. 70%
Set 2. 75%
Set 3. 80%
Set 4. 85%
Set 5,6,7,8 build or stay 80-90%
Resting on your own time , no rush this is for strength and building up
Metcon (Time)
2 Sets:
20 Toe to bar
5 TNG power clean to overhead 115/75
+ 90 seconds rest
75 Double under
3 TNG power clean to overhead 135/95
+ 90 seconds rest
3 Bar facing burpee
2 TNG Power clean to overhead 155/105
+ 3:00 rest , REPEAT
135/95 155/105 185/135