BREAKING PLATES! 10’s on men and female bars, 15’s on mens bars CANNOT be dropped from overhead. This is getting to be too much of a habit. These plates shouldn’t be breaking this quickly.
DRY NEEDLING with Jamie This Wednesday PM 8/18
Weightlifting 8/25 @ 5:30PM **NO CrossFit 5:30PM
Weightlifting 9/8 @ 5:30PM ** NO CrossFit 5:30PM
Labor Day 9/6 **9:30AM Class ONLY
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
800m Jog
12 Air squat
12 KB swing
12 Banded pull aparts
x 3
Mobility –
45 seconds of couch stretch each side
45 seconds banded ankle mobility drill each side
Squat Clean (Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes )
EMOM x 10:00
1 Squat clean @ 80% or 5-10 lbs heavier than last week
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds for Reps:
1:00 Thrusters @ 75/55…65/45
1:00 Alternating DB snatch
1:00 Ski cals
1:00 Box jump over
1:00 Assault bike cals
1:00 REST
Split Jerk (5 Sets @ 90%, resting as needed )
5 Sets not for time:
1 rep off rack resting as needed between sets @ 90% across
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds for Reps:
1:00 Thrusters 95/65
1:00 Alternating DB Snatch
1:00 Box jump over 24/20
1:00 Pull up
1:00 Assault Bike Cals
1:00 Rest