



Weightlifting October 6th 5:30-7:30pm & 10th 9:30-11ish am this week!

Halloween Party October 30th @ Corrin’s House. Find Facebook Event for details

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 Cardio


10 Jump squats

Banded lat walks 25 ft down and back

10 jump squats

x 1


10 PVC pass thru

5 inch worm

10 alt. jumping lunges

15 Plate ground to overhead

x 2


Back Squat

0-12:00 Build to a heavy 2 Rep max for the day **Heavier than last week

12:00-16:00 quick drop sets

2 reps @ 95% of above

2 reps @ 90% of above

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for time:

15 Dual DB Hang power clean

15 Calorie Row

15 Dual DB Shoulder to overhead press

DB weight-

Rx: 50/35

L1: 40/25

L2: 35/20


Back Squat

0-12:00 Build to a heavy 3RM for the day ** Heavier than last week

12:00-16:00 quick drop sets

3 Reps @ 95% of above

3 Reps @ 90% of above

Metcon (8 Rounds for time)

Repeats x 8 Sets – 1:00 rest between each

3 Power clean

3 Push jerk

30 Double under

– rest

Barbell weight-

Rx+ 185/135

Rx 155/105

L1 135/95
Goal- Cycling unbroken power cleans into overhead

If the bar is dropped at any point this is being done too heavy