CrossFit – Fri, Jul 12


CrossFit – Fri, Jul 12

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 cardio

PartnePVC rig stretch :30 each x 2


Door way stretch 1:00 each side

Banded pull parts x 15

Rig dead hang x 20

X 2

Metcon (No Measure)

Split squats 12/12

1:00 Wall sit

:30 heels elevated goblet squat w25# plate to elevate – rep these out !

Rest 1-2:00 between x 4

Growth (Time)


400m Run

40 med ball Ab mat sit up

30 Alt. DB snatches

20 Burpee box jump

1 mile Bike

Snatch pull + Low hang squat snatch (Emom 8:00 @80# )

Below the knee

Performance (Time)


50 Cal Row

40 GHD sit up ( 40 Medball ab mat sit up)

30 Power clean 135/95

20 Burpee box jump 24/20

10 Bar muscle up (20 C2B/Pull-up)