CrossFit – Mon, Oct 7


CrossFit – Mon, Oct 7

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 Cardio


10 wall angels

10 Wall squats

5 push up

3 burpee

:20 plank hold

X 2

Push Press (5 RM for the day! Let’s keep building!!!!!

3x 5 @85% of ^
Every 1:15 )

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Every 5:00 x 15;00 (3 sets )

21 DB box step over (2DB)

15 DB deadlift

12 DB hang clean

9 DB s2OH

6 burpee

Performance (AMRAP – Reps)

16 Toe to bar

8 Squat Clean

4 S2OH

0-4:00 Set 1 for time

4:00-8:00 Set 2 for time

8:00-12:00 Set 3 for time

12:00-16:00 Set 4 x AMRAP S2OH **

every set is for time and rest remaining time – set 4 you will finish for time and in remaining time perform AMRAP S2OH
Score is AMRAP reps only

Rx weight = 185/135



Scaled- 115/85