CrossFit – Sat, Jan 11
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
7 rounds
7 Chest to bar
7 Hspu
7 DB Box step over
7 DB Thruster 50/35
7 Burpee box jump over
7 Toe to bar
-rest 3
5 Rounds
5 Calorie bike
25 Double under
5 Box jump over
5 Devil press
5 DB hang squat clean 50/35
5 Calorie row
5 Burpee over rower
Alternating movements for each workout
Metcon (No Measure)
7 rounds
7 Chest to bar
7 Hspu
7 DB Box step over
7 DB Thruster 50/35
7 Burpee box jump over
7 Toe to bar
-rest 3
5 Rounds
5 Calorie bike
25 Double under
5 Box jump over
5 Devil press
5 DB hang squat clean 50/35
5 Calorie row
5 Burpee over rower
Alternating movements for each workout
Metcon (Time)
7 rounds
7 Chest to bar
7 Hspu
7 DB Box step over
7 DB Thruster 50/35
7 Burpee box jump over
7 Toe to bar
-rest 3
5 Rounds
5 Calorie bike
25 Double under
5 Box jump over
5 Devil press
5 DB hang squat clean 50/35
5 Calorie row
5 Burpee over rower
Alternating movements for each workout