CrossFit – Sat, Mar 1


CrossFit – Sat, Mar 1

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)


For time with partner:

800m Row

40 Front squat 115/75

40 Burpee over the bar

40 Wall ball

800m Row

30 Front squat

30 Burpee over the bar

30 Wall ball

800m Row

20 Front squat

20 Burpee over the bar

20 Wall ball


Emom 12:00 with partner:

1. 16 Thruster 95/65

2. 30 Toe to bar

3. 30 Double under each

4. 16 Calorie Bike


1. 14 Thruster 95/65

2. 20 Toe to bar

3. 20 Double under each

4. 14 Calorie Bike