



Every other Wednesday is WEIGHTLIFTING! 6/30
Internal competition will be PARTNER ! July 17th Sign up link will be sent out soon!
Jamie is back this Wednesday 6/30 SIGN UP on white board or shoot me a text 🙂

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 minutes cardio

1:00 Banded shoulder stretch in each position/ each side


Wall angels

Wall squats

Ring Rows

Push ups

8 -12 reps each movement


Strict Press

5 Sets of 3 Reps

@ 77-80% of 1RM

Resting roughly :90 seconds between sets

: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

9:00 AMRAP

12 DB power snatch

8 Ring Row

4 Box jump

rest 3:00

9:00 AMRAP

12 KB Swings

8 Wall ball

4 Burpee box jump


Power Clean (Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes )

1.1 Reps

Heavy Double for the day x 6 sets

Metcon (Time)

22:00 on the clock-

5 Rounds:

5 Chest to bar

5 Power clean 95/65

5 Burpee box jump 24/20

4 Rounds:

6 Chest to bar

6 Power clean

6 Burpee box jump

3 Rounds:

7 Chest to bar

7 Power clean

7 Burpee box jump

2 Rounds:

8 Chest to bar

8 Power clean

8 Burpee box jump

1 Round:

9 Chest to bar

9 Power clean

9 Burpee box jump