Tee Shirts are in! If you haven’t gotten yours see a coach.
Weightlifting is back tonight! 5:30-7:30 **ONLY 4:30 CROSSFIT TONIGHT
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3 minutes rowing ( this will start warming hamstrings and pull )
2 sets
10-15 banded pull aparts
KB cross over single leg RDL 8 each side
Barbell Warm up into
EMOM 8:00
Building up to a heavy single MUSCLE SNATCH
Clean Warm up
With Rx weight or scaled you will be using complete the following:
5-7 Toe to bar ( or knee raises )
5 Deadlift
2 TNG Snatch ( or clean and jerk)
+ 1:00 rest x 3 sets picking up speed each round
15.1: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 9:00
15 Toe to bar
10 Deadlift 115/75
5 Snatch
15 Knee raises
10 Deadlift
5 snatch ** 85/55
**Ground to overhead are allowed for scaled (clean and jerk)
15.1a: Clean and Jerk (6 minutes to establish a max clean and jerk )
MAX Clean & Jerk