Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3 Rounds
12 Row cal/Bike/ Ski ( alternating each round)
20 Glute bridges
10 plank Shoulder taps into 5 push up
10 V-ups
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
4 Sets of the following:
19 Assault bike cal
10 SA DB thruster (5/5)
10 Single DB Alternating Step up
10 Ski Cal
2:00 rest
10 Burpee
20 Mountain climbers
200m Row
20 Slam ball
2:00 rest
@increasing pace each set
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
4 Sets of the following:
200m Row
10 DB alternating Snatch 50/35
10 Single DB alternating step up
75 Double under
2:00 rest
10 Assault bike cal
10 Toe to bar / GHD sit up
10 Ski cal
10 Single DB alternating Devil press
2:00 rest
@ increasing pace each set