Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
2:00 Bike
2:00 Ski erg
2:00 Pigeon stretch each side
2 sets
Wall squats x 10
Ring row x 10 reps
Wall walk + 10 second hold x 1 rep 🙂
GHDSU x 10-15 reps ( or :30 seconds hollow rock)
Strict Press/ Push press (Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes )
4 Strict press + 5 Push press
Building out max for the day
Every 2:00 x 12:00 ** if can no longer build stay at heavy weight for remaining sets
Metcon (Time)
Hanging Knee Raises
Alternating DB hang clean and jerk
rest 2 minutes into
Calorie Row
Ab mat sit up
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
3 Rounds
6 Ground to overhead 135/95
6 Lateral Burpee
3 Rounds
8 Ground to overhead 115/75
8 Lateral burpee
3 Rounds
10 Ground to overhead 95/65
10 Lateral burpee
15:00- 20:00
3 Rounds
12 Ground to overhead 75/55
12 Lateral burpee
Scaled Versions:
115/75 95/65
95/65 75/55
75/55 65/45
65/45 45/35
** this format is like an open style workout
Create that time bank and finish first 3 rounds before 5:00 and continue next 3 rounds before the next time frame hits
– if you do not complete 3 rounds before time cap of that given round you’re out
Clean complex
** Whatever round you finish on rest 2:00 and
6:00 on the clock perform
Squat clean + Front squat + hang squat clean + front squat
You get cut off at 10:00 round , start lifting @ 12:00
You finish the workout, start lifting @ 22:00