Weightlifting Wednesday 5/5 @ 5:30pm
No CrossFit classes after 4:30pm
We will have 3:30/4:30 classes
Sunday 5/9 Mother’s Day NO OPEN GYM
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
Cardio x 3:00 of your choice
Dynamic warm up with coach
Banded good morning
Banded lat walks
Air squat
Banded stretch press
x 10-15 reps each movement
Super Set Push Pull (Superset push pull Bench and RDL )
5 Sets
Resting 1-2 minutes after each super set ( this is done for strength not TIME)
Barbell Bench press x 8-10 reps 1 second pause in bottom ever rep
Barbell RDL 8-10 AHAP , Controlled tempo down ( no specific number )
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for time:
5 Burpee box jump Step Down @ 24/20
10 Calorie Assault bike
15 American KB Swings 53/35
Clean and Jerk (Every Minute on the minute, for 8 minutes )
EMOM 8:00
Squat clean 1.1 + Jerk 1
75% of clean and jerk
Every 3:00 for 12:00
25/15 Assault bike Calorie
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for tine:
50 Double under
10 Hang power snatch 95/65
5 Burpee box jump over 30/24