CrossFit Dictionary


CrossFit Dictionary

If you’re new to CrossFit, many of the terms and acronyms can be very confusing. Below is a little dictionary that can help you learn the CrossFit “lingo”

AMRAP: As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible

This is a time-based type of workout, and will coincide with a time domain, e.g. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes. For example:
20 minute AMRAP:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

…means get as many rounds as possible of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats in 20 minutes. 1 ROUND = 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats. Your job is to get as many rounds as you can in that amount of time.

C&J: Clean & Jerk

An olympic lift consisting of 2 lifts: a (Squat) Clean and either a Push Jerk or a Split Jerk

C2B: Chest to Bar pull-up

In this type of pull-up, the chest needs to physically touch the bar below or at the collarbone.

DUs: Double Unders

Jumping rope where the rope goes under your feet twice before you land.

EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute

This is a type of workout, used in both the strength & skill section, or the workout section where you do a specified movement every minute at the start of each minute, and then rest for the time remaining. For example:
EMOM 3 Back Squats
At the start of each minute (0:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.), you will do 3 back squats, and then rest for the remainder of the time until the next minute mark.

HSPUs: Handstand Push-ups

Going into a handstand, lowering your head to the ground, and pushing back up into the handstand. These can be strict (where the only thing that moves are your arms), or kipping (where you use your legs to help give you momentum out of the bottom).

KB: Kettlebell

Kettlebells are often measured in the Russian weight measurement, “POOD”. 1 pood is equal to about 16 kg or 35 pounds. This is usually the women’s RX kettlebell. Men’s RX is often 1.5 pood, which is equal to 24 kg or 53 pounds. At BRICK LA, the KBs are as follows:

  • Pink Tape: 0.5 pood / 8 kg / 18 pounds
  • Blue Tape: 0.75 pood / 12 kg / 26 pounds
  • Yellow Tape: 1 pood / 16 kg / 35 pounds
  • Gray Tape: 1.25 pood / 20 kg / 44 pounds
  • Green Tape: 1.5 pood / 24 kg / 53 pounds
  • Red Tape: 2 pood / 32 kg / 70 pounds


A movement stemming from gymnastics where the athlete uses the full body to complete a movement. Used with pull-ups, handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, toes to bar, and ring dips. 

OHS: Overhead Squat

A squat during which you are holding the bar above your head using a wide grip.

METCON: Metabolic Conditioning

WOD: Workout of the Day


Power (used as either Power Clean, Power Snatch):

“Power” indicates a catching position for the olympic lifts (Clean or Snatch), with knees bent, above a full squat. If it does not say “power” or “muscle” before “clean” or “snatch,” that indicates that you are catching it in a full squat for each rep.

Hang (used as either Hang Clean, Hang Snatch): 

“Hang” indicates a starting position for the olympic lifts (Clean or Snatch) with the bar starting OFF the ground. To get to the hang, you will need to first deadlift the bar to stand, and then bend your knees to get to a hang position.

High Hang is also called Position 1, and indicates that your starting position is with knees bent, with the chest straight up and down. The lower half of your body would look similar to the dip in a push press or push jerk.

Hang is often referring to the bar starting above or below the knee (the coach will specify), and is also called Position 2. To get to this position after deadlifting the bar, bend your knees to get to position 1 and then hinge the hips back to get to position 2. Shoulders will be slightly in front of the bar.

If it does not say “hang” before “clean” or “snatch,” that indicates that you are starting with the bar on the ground for each rep.

RFT: Rounds for Time.

A workout that is task-based. You’ll get a task to complete, such as 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats, and we’ll tell you how many rounds you have to do. For example:
5 RFT of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

Your job is to get the specified number of rounds as fast as you can.

RX: This is doing the workout as prescribed, whether it is the weight on the barbell (e.g. 135# / 95# front squats), or the type of movement (chest to bar pull-ups). In order to “do the workout RX”, you must do everything as written. At BRICK, there is sometimes a “double RX” option, in which you must do either heavier weights, more skilled/advanced movements, or both, as written. At BRICK, you usually get a star next to your name if you RX, 2 stars if you double Rx.

SDLHPSumo Deadlift High-Pull

A movement in which you start with legs wide and grip inside of your legs. As you stand up, you speed up the movement, using hip drive to accelerate the bar up and pull to the collarbone with the elbows high.

T2B: Toes-to-Bar

In this movement, you’re hanging from the bar, lift your legs up to touch your toes to the bar at the same time between your hands. At the bottom of the movement, your feet need to pass behind your hips. This movement is usually done kipping (as shown in the link), but can be done strict as well (from a dead hang with no swing). 

TGU: Turkish Get-Up

A movement in which you start laying on the ground with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell, and through a series of specific movements, stand up with it overhead, and then come back to laying down.