CrossFit – Mon, Aug 8


CrossFit – Mon, Aug 8

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 Cardio – loosen up

Pec Stretch – 1:00 each side


Kettle bell bottom up strict press 6/6

10 kipping swings

10-15 Banded pull aparts

15 Air squat

5 Burpee box jump


Strict Press

Building up to a 1 RM in 12-15:00

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

500/450m Row

21 Box jump

12 Burpee

AFAP! NO CAP , these movements aren’t failure movements no need to CAP this LETS GOOOOOO


Strict Press

Building up to a 1 RM in 12-15:00

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

30/22 Assault bike Cal

20 Box jump 24/20

10/6 Bar muscle up

CAP 16:00
Echo Bike- 27/19 Cal

L1: 8/4 Bar muscle up

L2: 15 Chest to bar pull up