CrossFit – Mon, Dec 16
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3:00 cardio
2 warm up sets
12 wall squat
12 wall angels
1 wall walk
:15 dead hang + kipping swings
50 ft walking lunges (25/25)
Clean Complex (Building over 5 sets- goal would be heavier than last week
No need to be there on your first set warm
Up to it! )
1 Deadlift + 2 hang clean + 3 Front squat
Every :90 seconds
Growth & Development (5 Rounds for time)
12 Wallball
9 Calorie Ski
12 S2OH 75/55
1:30 rest x 5 Sets
Squat Clean and Jerk (Every :90 x 5 sets @ 85%
Staying at 85% across the board )
Performance (5 Rounds for time)
12 Front squat 115/85
9 Toe to bar
12 S2OH
9 Calorie Bike
1:30 rest x 5 sets