CrossFit – Mon, Feb 10
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3:00 Cardio
15-20 Banded pull apart
15-20 Banded good morning
6-8 Push up
:30 Down dog
:10 Dead hang from rig + 6 scap pull ups
Hollow rock or hold x :20
Clean grip Deadlift (Every :90
5 sets of 3 building heavy )
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
21 ab mat sit up / knee raises
15 Box jump over
12 Hang power clean 75/55
9 S2OH
Snatch (Squat snatch
Every :90
5 sets of 1.1 singles @ 82-85% )
Metcon (Time)
21 Cal row
15 Box jump over
12 Toe to bar
9 Snatch 115/85
6 BMU (12 C2B)