CrossFit – Mon, Feb 24
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3:00 Cardio
10-15 banded good morning
10-15 banded pull apart
Banded hamstring :30 each leg
Dead hang x :15-:20
Clean grip Deadlift (1 rep
Building to heavy single every :90 x 6 )
Snatch (Building every :90 x 6 sets
1. 80%
2 85%
3 90%
4,5,6- build out to heavy )
Growth & Performance (Time)
Chipper For Time:
20 box jump over
20 calorie bike
20 Hang clean and jerk 95/65..75/55
50 wall ball
20 front squat
20 cal row
20 box jump over