CrossFit – Wed, Mar 27
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
3 min cardio
couch stretch
Banded hamstring stretch
Free stretch
Death by split squat (4 Rounds for weight)
4 sets
8/8 each leg x2 DB or KB
3 sets 8/8 go heavy here
On 4th set perform it like this…
Left leg
8 reps (on last rep pause in hole for 8 seconds)
Drop weight
8 reps (on last rep pause in hole for 8 seconds)
Drop to body weight
8 reps
The repeat the same format on the right leg
Growth & Development (Time)
For time:
25 KB swing
35 Wallball
100 single under
1000m row
100 single under
35 Wallball
25 KB swing
Performance (Time)
For time:
75 Double under
30 Clean & Jerk 96/65
50 Lateral Burpee
30 Calorie Bike
50 KB Swing
75 Double under