CrossFit – Wed, Oct 30


CrossFit – Wed, Oct 30

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 cardio

Pec stretch

Banded shoulder stretch

Bench Press (Every :90 x 3 warm up sets
X 6 reps – building

Working sets
Every 2:00 4 reps
X 5 sets building )

Growth & Development (5 Rounds for time)

5 sets

10 Calorie row

10 Burpee over the rower

10 Russian KBSwing 53/35 ( try and go heavier then usual)

rest 1:00 between sets ( goal 2-2:30 rounds)

Performance (5 Rounds for time)

5 Sets

12 Overhead squats 95/65

10 Lateral burpee over the bar

8 Calorie bike

rest 1:00 between sets