Friday 8/4


Friday 8/4

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit


2 Rounds of

20 secs Sprint on Assault Bike

5 Reps of Bear Complex* (empty barbell)

20-30 secs Plank

Rest 60 secs

*Bear Complex: Power Clean+Front Squat+Push Press+Back Squat+Push Press

Strength & Accessory

Four sets of:

Push Press x 5 reps (first set approx 65%)

Rest 30-45 seconds

Single-Leg Hip Bridge x 8 reps (each side) @ 3011

Rest 30-45 seconds

Supine Leg Lowering x 8 reps @ 4111

Rest 30-45 seconds

Push Press


3 Rounds of:

5 Deadlifts*

10 Wall Balls

*Add weight each round so that 3rd round = MetCon Load


Perf: Metcon (Time)

For time:

15 Deadlifts

30 Wall Balls

12 Deadlifts

24 Wall Balls

9 Deadlifts

18 Wall Balls

Rx 185/135 lbs; 20/14 lbs

Rx+ 225/155 lbs; 30/20 lbs