Partner Saturdays


Partner Saturdays

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit


Pigeon Stretch x 60 secs/side

Lizard Pose x 90 secs/side

Seal Pose x 45-60 secs


60 secs of Jump Rope (Doubles or Singles)

20 Air Squats

10 Strict Press

Max Effort Hollow Hold

Rest 60 secs

30 secs of Jump Rope (Doubles or Singles)

10 Air Squats

10 Push Press

Max Effort Hollow Hold

Strength & Accessory


Fitn: Metcon (Time)

In teams of two, partners alternate whole rounds to complete 5 rounds each of:

10 Dumbbell Push Press

15 Toes to Rig

50 Single-Unders

Perf: Metcon (Time)

In teams of two, partners alternate whole rounds to complete 5 rounds each of:

10 Shoulder to Overhead, 135/95 lbs

15 Toes to Bar

25 Double-Unders