CrossFit – Mon, Nov 20


CrossFit – Mon, Nov 20



Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Happy BIRTHDAY Matthew!!! Also, big congrats to Mitchie and Kels!!!

Warm Up & Mobility

3 min bike


Couch/ Pigeon stretch

Banded hamstring stretch

Back Squat (Building to a HEAVY 4 rep
+ drop sets
3 sets x 4 reps @85% of above )

Growth (3 Rounds for time)

Every 4 minutes x 12:00

15 Lat burpee over rower

15/12 calorie row

10 Front squat 115/75…95/65 (135/95 Rx+)

Performance (3 Rounds for time)

Every 4:00

Round 1

15 HSPU or 15 push up

35 Double under

10 squat clean 185/135…155-105-115

Round 2

15 Toe to bar

35 Double under

10 squat snatch 155/105…135/85-95

Round 3

15/12 Bike

35 Double under

10 thruster 135/95…115/75