CrossFit – Mon, Jun 24


CrossFit – Mon, Jun 24

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 Min Cardio



Dead hang x ;15 second

Scap pull ups x 8-10 reps

Push up x 8-10

Super mans x 6-8

Air squat x 10

Wall squats x 10

Wall angels x 8-10


Push press + Split jerk (Every :90 x 6 sets )

2 Push press + 1 split jerk

For time (Time)

4 Rounds for time:

15 DB Thruster

200m Run

15 Calorie Bike


Clean Pull + Low hang squat clean (Weight)

Below the knee
Below the knee

EMOM x10


20:00 CAP (Time)

For time:

400m Run

5 Burpee BMU ( 5 Burpee pull up )

5 Ground to overhead 135/95

400m Run

7 Burpee BMU (7 Burpee pull up)

7 Ground to overhead 145/105

400m Run

9 Burpee BMU (9 Burpee pull up)

9 Ground to overhead 155/115

400m Run

11 Burpee BMU (11 Burpee pull up)

11 Ground to overhead 165/125