CrossFit – Mon, Sep 9


CrossFit – Mon, Sep 9

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 minute cardio



Deep squat thoracic rotation x 3/3

Air squat x 12

Child pose x :20 into down dog x :20

Hollow hold x :20 into hollow rocks x 10

Clean and Jerk (15:00 on the clock:
Heavy max squat clean and split jerk for the day )

Growth- can be power + press

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Emom max reps:

1 Bike calories x :45 (:15 off)

2 Hang power clean x :45 (:15 off) 95/65

3 Box jump x :45 (:15 off)

4 Slam ball x :45 (:15 off)


X 4 Rounds for MAX REPS