Wednesday 8/30


Wednesday 8/30

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit



2 Rounds of:

250 Meter Row

10 Glute Bridges w/ 2 sec pause at top

10 Jumping Lunges/Reverse Lunges (5 each side)


Burgener Clean Warm Up

Down & Finish

Elbows High & Outside

Muscle Clean

Front Squats

Tall Clean (shrug & pull under)

Hang Clean

Full Clean

Split Jerk Warm Up (PVC Pipe)

Strict Press

Push Press

Split Jerk Technique

-Tall Jerk

Strength & Accessory


Four sets of:

Russian Kettlebell Swings x 20-25 unbroken reps (As Heavy As Possible)

Rest 45 seconds

Overhead Walking Lunges w/ Plate x 20 steps

Rest 45 seconds

Side Plank x 30-45 seconds each side

Rest 90 seconds


Take 20 minutes to find today’s 1-RM (Squat) Clean & (Split) Jerk

Clean and Jerk


Fitn: Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

On a 3 Minute clock, perform:

350 Meter Row, then

Max Reps of WallBalls in remaining time

Rest 3 Minutes then repeat 3 time for a total of four sets

Perf: “Little” Bear Complex (Weight)

Three sets for max weight of:

Bear Complex x 5 reps*

Rest 2 minutes between sets

*1 Rep of Bear Barbell Complex:

Power Clean

Front Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

Back Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

No rest at the bottom – Touch and Go into a Power Clean.

No Squat Cleans

No Thrusters

Score = total load for 3 sets combined (i.e. 150/160/170 = 480)

Perf: “Little” Bear Complex (Weight)

Three sets for max weight of:

Bear Complex x 5 reps*

Rest 2 minutes between sets

*1 Rep of Bear Barbell Complex:

Power Clean

Front Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

Back Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

No rest at the bottom – Touch and Go into a Power Clean.

No Squat Cleans

No Thrusters

Score = total load for 3 sets combined (i.e. 150/160/170 = 480)