Circuit Training – Tue, Jun 6


Circuit Training – Tue, Jun 6


Internal partner Comp. July 22nd! Sign up on whiteboard with your partner!

GYM will be CLOSED June 14th Wednesday for wedding (Jess/Jake) Steve away as well,and a coaches summit- away(Corrin/Julie) – sorry for inconvenience.

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – Circuit Training


4 x 6 minute AMRAPS with 3 minute between each

Metcon (No Measure)


6 wall ball ( goblet squat )

6 box jump ( step ups )

12 Mountain climbers

+ after amrap is over immediately into 200m Run

@ 11:00 – 17:00


6 DB Deadlift

6 DB walking lunges ( total )

6 Lateral burpee over DB

+ after amrap is over immediately into 200m Run

@ 22:00 – 28:00


6 Reverse lunges ( DB or light BB )

6 Push press ( DB or light BB )

6 Front squat ( DB or light BB )

+ after amrap is over immediately into 200m Run

@ 33:00- 39:00


6 KB Swings

6 Single arm KB thruster ( each side )

6 Single arm KB high pulls ( each side )

+ after amrap is over immediately into 200m Run