


Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 minutes cardio

Prep- 2 sets of the following:

empty bar

x 10 push press

x 10 hollow rock

x 10 front squat

x 10 (5/5) DB cross over single leg RDL

x 10 thruster

Quad couch stretch x :30-1:00 each side

Brettzel Stretch x :30-1:00 each side


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 5:00,9:00,13:00

250m Row

30 DB Front squat x 2 DB

30 Box jump/ step up

30 Barbell Hang clean 75/55, 65/45

30 DB S2OH x 2 DB

rest 3:00 Between each amrap GOAL is to finish this completely by 13:00


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 5:00,9:00,13:00

15/12 Cal bike

40 Wall ball 20/14

30 Cal Row

40 Shoulder to overhead 95/65

30 Power Clean 95/65

rest 3:00 Between each amrap GOAL is to finish this completely by 13:00
