



11/11 Veterans Day
Class schedule:
9:30am Partner style workout
4:30-6:30 Open Gym style

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

Bike 3 minutes

Goblet squat x 8 pauses in the bottom position

Wall squat x 16

Banded Walks 25 ft each direction

Lunges x 16 ( walking )

2 sets


Front Squat

4 Sets

3 Reps , up to 70-80% of last weeks 3RM @ 50×1 tempo ( each rep 5 seconds down)

Rest as needed immediately into

Back Squat 4 Sets

@ 3 second pause in the hole for each rep x 3 reps @ 70T% of back squat max

Rest as needed

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Repeats :

3 Sets of the following-

12/8 Assault bike calorie

12 Wall ball

6 Burpee box jump

12 Ring Row

12 DB Ground to Overhead ( x 2 DB )

rest 2-3 between each set


Front Squat

4 Sets

3 Reps up to 80% of last weeks heaviest 3 Rep @ 50×1 Tempo ( 5 seconds down each rep , drive right out of the bottom, pause for 1 second at top)

Rest as needed immediately into

Back Squat 4 Sets

3 Reps with 3 seconds pause in the hole for each rep @ 70% of Back Squat

Rest as needed

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)


3 Sets of the following-

15/12 Assault bike cal

12 Wall ball

9 Burpee box jump

6 Chest to bar pull up

30 Double under

Resting 2-3 minutes between each set