



Holiday Schedule
December 24th- 5:30/9:30 only
Christmas- Closed
December 26th- Closed
December 31st- 5:30/9:30 only
January 1st- Closed
January 2nd- Closed

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

2 Rounds

15/12 Calorie any equipment

10/10 lunges

8 Empty barbell strict press

:20 plank hold


3-5:00 of

Specific mobilization/activation


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

Amrap 15:00

15 Calorie row

10 Box jump

5 Body weight deadlift

5:00 rest

Amrap 15:00

15 KB swings

10 Lateral burpee

5 Squat clean 95/65


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4:00 on the clock

75 Double under

15 Thruster 95/65

Max Calorie row in remaining time

3:00 rest

4:00 on the clock

15 Clean and jerk 95/65

75 Double under

Max Calorie assault bike in remaining time

3:00 rest

4:00 on the clock

20 Ski Calorie

20 Handstand push up

Max wallball in remaining time

3:00 rest

4:00 on the clock

15 Double DB Devils press

15 DB Front squat

Max burpee box jump in remaining time

3:00 rest

Amrap 4:00

6 DB alternating snatch

20 Double under

6 Toe to bar