


Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 minutes cardio

Banded Lateral walks 8-10 steps each direction

Bridges x 10 reps

Banded hamstring stretch x 30 seconds each side

Banded Thruster x 10 reps

x 2 sets

Strength & Accessory

4 supersets of the following:

1. DB 1/2 kneeling strict press x 8 reps on each side as heavy as possible

2. Barbell bent over row x 6 reps as heavy as possible

3. 1:00 plank hold , or accumulate 1:00 if you can’t go straight

resting as needed between each set

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 15:00 @ open pace

10 Single arm thruster

50 single under

10 Calorie Row

10 Alternating DB snatch from floor

5 Burpee box jump or step up


Front Squat (Build out to a heavy 2 rep front squat, quick rest)

10-8-6-4-2 Build out

** heavier than last week

Resting as long as it takes to change up weights

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

5:00 on the clock:

24/18 Assault bike calorie

In remaining time amrap:

12 thruster 95/65

12 toe to bar

-rest 5 minutes –

5:00 on the clock:

24/18 Assault bike calorie

In remaining time armap:

9 S2OH 115/75


-rest 5 minutes-

5:00 on the clcok:

24/18 Assault bike calorie

In remaining time amrap:

6 Hang Power clean 135/95

6 Burpee box jump 24/20