Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
1:00 bike
Banded good morning x10
Single leg DB crossover RDL x6/6
DB air squat x 10 @20×1
Snatch grip deadlift
0-10:00 building to a tough set of 4 @ 20×1
+ every 2:00x 3 sets of 4 @90% Of above keeping tempo 20×1
Metcon (Time)
3 Sets of the following:
200m Row
10 Slam ball
5 Burpee box jump over
200m Run
1:00 rest
200m Run
10 DB thruster
10 Hanging knee raises (t2b)
10 Cal Ski Erg
1:00 rest
Snatch grip deadlift
0-10:00 building to a tough set of 4 @ 20×1
+ every 2:00x 3 sets of 4 @90% Of above keeping tempo 20×1
Metcon (Time)
3-4 Sets
200m Run
5 S2OH 135/95
5 Burpee box jump over 24/20
200m Row
1:00 rest
15/12 Bike cal
35 Double under
5 OHS 135/95
200m Run
1:00 rest
@ increasing pace each set!