CrossFit – Fri, Oct 13


CrossFit – Fri, Oct 13


10/9 – 10/15 Weekly Challenge is BACK!! Complete 400 Calories on the bike 🙂

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 Minute cardio


Banded shoulder stretch


Coach warm up overhead pressing

– Strict press

– Push press

– Push jerk ( dip drive re dip work)

– Foot work for jerk

– Tall jerks

– Split jerk


Strict press (0-6:00
Establish a heavy single for the day )

Push Press (6-12:00
Establish a heavy single for the day)

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

20 Alternating DB hang clean and jerk ( switch every 5)

10 Hang squat clean thruster 75/55

20 Lateral Burpee

250m Ski erg


Strict press (0-5:00
Establish a heavy single for the day )

Push Press (5-10:00
Establish a heavy single for the day )

Split Jerk (10-15:00
Establish a heavy single for the day )

Metcon (Time)

For time:

20 Burpee buy in


75 Double under

11 Hang cluster 155/105

7 Bar muscle up ( 20 chest to bar pull up )

20 Hand stand push up ( 15-20 S2OH 155/105 ) ( if heavy 15- if you scale weight 20 )

7 Bar muscle up ( 20 chest to bar pull up )

11 Hang cluster 155/105

75 Double under


20 Burpee Buy out
L1- 135/95

L2- 115/75