CrossFit – Mon, Apr 22


CrossFit – Mon, Apr 22

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 Cardio


Pec stretch

15-20 Banded pull apart

15-20 Banded good morning

Pigeon stretch

Child pose

Bench Press (** CHALLENGE **
Every 2:00
4 reps
building over 5 sets to a HEAVY set of 4 for the day )

Bench Press (** CLASS **
AMRAP Cluster set @90% (5-10 second rest =cluster)
Try and get more than week 1 )

Close Grip Bench Press (Weight)

Every :90 seconds x 3 Sets

8 reps building heavy without failure

CFG24 Quarterfinals Workout 1 (Ages 16-54) (4 Rounds for reps)

4 rounds for max reps of:

1 minute of snatches

1 minute of rowing for calories

1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups

1 minute of rest

F: 85lb barbell, 35lb dumbbells, 20-inch box

M: 135lb barbell, 50lb dumbbells, 20-inch box
To learn more about CFG24 Quarterfinals Workout 1 (Ages 16-54) click here
2 DB’s

CHALLENGE (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets

1:00 Alt. Db Snatches

1:00 Row Calories

1:00 DB box step ups

1:00 REST
Choose DB challenging but doable!