CrossFit – Mon, Feb 26


CrossFit – Mon, Feb 26

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 bike


2 sets

Left leg vUP+ Right leg vUP + V-UP

X 4

Alternating scorpion stretch x 6

Push up to side plank + push up to side plank


Turkish get up instructions (Top to Top = 1 rep) – break this movement down

Front Squat (Every 2 minute x 8 minute
2 reps
Every 2 minute x 4 minute
1 rep

Building our doubles for 4 sets into 2 heavy singles )

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

6 Turkish getup Rx 50/35 DB (3/3)

18 Toe to bar

24 Wallball 20/14

Scaling – Reps if needed or lighter loads

Knee to elbow

Goblet squat
Stimulus of this workout is 12-15 minute

No CAP however if an athletes needs to scale to make this attainable do so!

Example- toe to bar should be done unbroken or in 2 sets here