CrossFit – Mon, Oct 31


CrossFit – Mon, Oct 31

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 minutes bike

+ 2 sets

Banded Lat. Walks Down/Back

Posted leg swings ( lat + front to back) – 8-10 each way

Banded pull aparts + Banded strict press x 15-20 each


Back Squat (Building up to a heavy set of 8 , no more than 3-4 attempts at the heavy set..
Drop sets @ 85% of above
3 sets of 8 reps )

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

2 Sets –

15 Toe to bar  ( Knee raises, reverse posted crunch )

12 KB swing 53/35

9 BBJO 24/20

12 Alt. Pistol ( Goblet squat)

15 Calorie Row

2:00 rest between sets

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

2 Sets-

15 GHDSU ( Ab-mat sit-up)

12 Wall ball 20/14

9 BBJO 20/14

12 KB Swing 53/35

15 Calorie Bike

2:00 rest between sets