CrossFit – Thu, Nov 16
Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit
Warm Up & Mobility
1:00 bike
1:00 row
1:00 ski
:30 hollow hold
:30 plank
X 2 sets
Growth and development (Time)
3 Rounds for time:
15/10 Assault bike calorie
15 Box jump
15/10 Calorie Ski
30 Kettlebell swing
Performance (Time)
3 Rounds for time:
20 Wall ball 20/14
4 Bar muscle up ( 10 pull up )
10 Power Snatch 95/65
3 RMU ( 10 Chest to bar )
10 Thruster
3 Wall walk
Growth & Performance (3 Rounds for time)
Every 5:00 x 15:00 ( 3 Sets )
40/25 Calorie Assault bike