CrossFit – Tue, Sep 3


CrossFit – Tue, Sep 3

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3:00 warm up

+ 2X

10 Banded pull apart

10 Banded overhead press

10 Air Squat

:10 dead hang + kipping swings x 5-10 + 5 knee raises

1 wall walk + 10 second hold

Growth & Development (Time)

5:00 of the following:

12 DB Snatch

6 Box jump over

35 Single under

+ 3:00 rest

5:00 of the following:

100m Run

6/4 Assault bike calories

8 DB thruster

+ 3:00 rest

5:00 of the following:

150m Row

5 Lateral Burpee over Rower

+ 3:00 rest

X2 sets

Performance (Time)

5:00 of the following:


6 lateral burpee over the bar

12 S2OH 95/65

+ 3:00 rest

5:00 of the following:

100m run

6 Toe to bar

8 DB Thruster 50/35

+ 3:00 rest

5:00 of the following:

12 DB Snatch 50/35

6/4 Assault bike calories

8 chest to bar pull up ( 3 BMU )

+ 3:00 rest

x 2 sets