Friday 12/15


Friday 12/15

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit


5 Minute Cardio Warm Up, then…

20 Leg Swings w/ each leg (side to side, front to back)

20 Reverse Lunges (10 each side)

20 Air Squats

20 Kip Swings

1 minutes of Banded Pigeon (each side)

10 Banded Monster Walks (forward & back)

10 Lateral Banded Monster Walks (each direction)

10 Banded Glute Bridge

Strength & Accessory


Three sets of:

Back Squat x 8-10 reps @ 30X1

Rest 60 seconds

Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 45-60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Side Planks x 30 seconds each side

Rest 60 seconds


Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets):

Tempo Back Squat @ 30X0

* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps

* Set 2 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps

* Set 3 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep

* Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep

* Set 5 – Test 1-RM

* Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight

Tempo Back Squat


Fitn: Metcon (Distance)

For time:

1000 Meter Row

immediately followed by…

Five rounds of:

6 Strict Pull-Ups

12 Goblet Squats

immediately followed by…

1000 Meter Row

Perf: Metcon (Time)

For time:

1000 Meter Row

immediately followed by…

Five rounds of:

9 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs (Rx+ 155/105 lbs )

12 Pull-Ups (Rx+ Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups)

immediately followed by…

1000 Meter Row