Wednesday 11/22


Wednesday 11/22

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit


5 Minute Cardio Warm Up, then…

20 Leg Swings w/ each leg (side to side, front to back)

20 Stationary Lunges

20 Air Squats

20 Kip Swings

2 minutes of Ankle Opener on plate (each side)

10 Forward Monster Walks (forward & back)

10 Lateral Monster Walks (each direction)

10 Back Squats (empty Barbell)

Strength & Accessory


Four sets of:

Back Squat x 8-10 reps @ 31X1

Rest 60 seconds

Single-Arm Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps each arm

Rest 60 seconds

Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry x 100 feet

Rest 60 seconds


Five sets of:

Back Squat x 5 reps @ 30X1 (compare and try to exceed weight from 11/2)

Rest 3 minutes between sets and use that time to work shoulder mobility

Back Squat


Fitn: Metcon (Time)

In teams of three, alternating complete rounds, perform five rounds each, for time of:

15 Kettlebell Swings

10 Goblet Squats

5 Burpee Box Jump-Overs

Perf: Metcon (Time)

In teams of three, alternating complete rounds, perform five rounds each, for time of:

5 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs (Rx +155/105 lbs)

5 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs (Rx +155/105 lbs)

10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs, 24″/20″