


Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 minutes cardio

1:00 pigeon streth each side

Banded lateral walks x 10 each direction

Good morning with BB or Band x 10 -20 reps

Wall calve stretch 1:00 each side


Strength & Accessory

Barbell Front rack Lunges

* in split position for entire working sets

3 Sets

10 reps Left side

10 reps Right side @ challenging weight

+ :30 seconds rest between each set

This should be uncomfortable and hard weight

Strength & Accessory

3 sets ** unweighted box step ups

:30 seconds Left leg step up

:30 seconds Right leg step up

+ :30 seconds rest

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

3 Rounds for time:

10 Calorie Bike

15 Wall ball/ Goblet squat

10 Burpee

15 Box jump or step up

10 Calorie Bike

+ 2:00 rest

** goal try and stay consistent or get faster every set don’t fall off


Back Squat (3 Sets resting as needed between sets )

3 Sets

Pause squats

6 reps @ 3 seconds pause in hole per rep 70% working sets of your 1RM Back squat

resting 2-4 mintues between each set

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for time:

21 Double under

15 HSPU ( or Shoulder to overhead 75/55)

9 Toe to bar

Rest 5:00

For time:

1000m Row

50 Thruster 45/35

30 Pull-up