CrossFit – Fri, Aug 25


CrossFit – Fri, Aug 25

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

2:00 Ski

2:00 Pec stretch

2:00 Bike


DB complex x 3 sets

1 Strict press

2 DB Push Press

3 DB Push Jerk

rest :30 and repeat x 3 Unbroken heavy as possible


Bench Press (Bench Press- resting as needed
2-4 reps heavy as possible – building off previous weeks
x 5 Sets total )

Growth & Development (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

500m Row

5 Power clean @ 80% of your max clean

15 Burpee over rower

Performance (Time)

For time:

50 Pull up

500m Row

50 Box jump over 24/20

500m Row

50 Thruster *empty mens/female bars
Scaled for those who can’t do high volume reps –

2 Rounds for time:

25 Pull up

250m Row

25 Box jump over

250m Row

25 Thruster *Empty barbell

** sub 500m Ski for pull up