CrossFit – Mon, Oct 2


CrossFit – Mon, Oct 2

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

Cardio x3:00

into free stretching + clean warmups

Happy birthday Kasey 🎉🎉🎉

Kasey Ellis (Time)

Chipper for time:

60 Wallball 20/14

10 Calorie bike

50 KBS

10 Calorie Row

40 Hang power clean 95/65

10 Calorie Bike

30 Overhead squat

10 Calorie Row

20 DB box step over (x1 DB) 50/35

10 Calorie bike

10(5/5) Devil press (x1 DB)

Rest 5:00


5:00 to establish Max clean and jerk