CrossFit – Thu, May 4


CrossFit – Thu, May 4


Internal partner Comp. July 22nd! Sign up on whiteboard with your partner!

GYM will be CLOSED June 14th Wednesday for wedding (Jess/Jake) Steve away as well,and a coaches summit- away(Corrin/Julie) – sorry for inconvenience. WE WILL HAVE OPEN GYM 6:30-8:30am this day!

Mother’s Day 5/14 Sunday – Gym closed for all the moms out there 💜

Tee/Tank sign up sheet is up front for those who want! Trying to get it going by the weekend so we have for Murph!

Great Woods Fitness & Performance – CrossFit

Warm Up & Mobility

3 rounds warm up pace

30 seconds row

5 Ring row

Pvc pass throughs

plank shoulder taps x 20 total

30 seconds bike

8-10 back extensions


Metcon (Time)


500m Row

15 Calorie bike

15 DB Thruster

500m Row

-2 minute rest-

15 Calorie bike

500m Row

15 Burpee box jump over

15 Calorie bike

-2 minute rest-

500m Row

15 Calorie ski

10 Wall walk

500m Row

-2 minute rest-

15 Calorie bike

500m Row

5 Rope climb Rx+ 3 Leg less

15 Calorie Bike

Growth & Dev. ( scaled version )

500m Row

10 Bike

15 DB thruster

500m Row

10 Bike

500m Row

10 burpee box jump/ step over

10 Bike

500m Row

10 Ski

6 Wall walk

500m Row

10 Bike

500m Row

30 Ring row

10 Bike