

Partner WOD

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up 2 Rounds; 30 on/15 off Air Squats Kettelbell SDLHP Jump Rope Barbell Strict Press Row/Bike Mobility For 10-12 minutes,...
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Friday 7/7

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit Mobility Foam Roll x 5 minutes (quads, hamstrings, lats) Cat-Cow Stretch x 10 reps Ankle Dorsiflexion x 60 secs/side Warm-up...
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stars“Such a great crossfit gym! Amazing community & 100% support from all of the coaches! If you are new to crossfit- this is where to start. If you have experience in crossfit- this is where to continue your regimen. I highly suggest!!!”

-Morgann B.

stars“Crossfit greatwoods is great place to learn. They can modify the workouts to every persons needs.”

-Stephen F.